Hanukkah - Night One

Michael gets credit for this pic of our menorah on night one.
Night one went swimmingly. Michael did all the grocery shopping and made the family Chicken Parmesan and spaghetti - not exactly a Jewish meal, but excellent, nonetheless.
We followed the traditions, which I researched, as best as possible. We didn't say the prayers in Hebrew, and we were all starving so we ate within thirty minutes of lighting the candles, but we tried. And I think the important parts got through to Ethan. He is loving it - especially dreidel because he likes the chocolate coins (gelt). We are exchanging gifts - trinkets mostly - each night as our official gelt. Ethan got a Batman watch (with hands - not digital). He wore it to bed, took it off the next day and has not mentioned it since. But it is cute and we also got him a book about telling time, so this will be a learning opportunity all the way around.
The hardest part about Hanukkah is following the rules - mainly all being in the same place at the same time at night to light the menorah. It is something we would like to do all the time - eat together and spend time together after dinner, but invariably something always comes up: there is a friend in town or a game to go to, shopping to do, etc. So that part has been a challenge...And good practice.
Michael will post about night two.
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