Life is sweet - a family update.

Our newest adventure at the house is money! For a while, I have been encouraging him to pick up Michael's change around the house and save it. (Most of it falls out of Michael's pockets when he sits down anywhere). I was mostly encouraging it, of course, so I wouldn't have to pick it up because it makes me nuts, but one day Michael suggested we take him to the dollar store and let him spend it. He LOVES the dollar store. So this week, Peter Pan had a little, plastic trumpet when he threw "John Captain Hook" off the swing set into the crocodile's mouth.
Stella is so chatty! She is blabbering and bubbling along for a good half hour at a time, whether anyone is paying attention to her or not...But she does like to be cooed at. She is also starting to roll around - onto her tummy at least once! She crosses her little ankles and shoots her legs out until she rocks over onto her side.

Michael and I are doing well,too. We have been working a lot, not unpacking, not cleaning, not stressing out too much about finances. It has been wonderful. Last night, we stayed up late reading comics together on the couch - he with his laptop, me with mine. I hope that the past month or so is an indication of what our new life as a family again can be all the time. Horray for hope!
Happy holidays -life is sweet!
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