Monday, January 29, 2007


I suddenly have what seems to be a couple of seconds to make a quick post, so here's the news:

I start massage school Thursday. A generous friend who is already in the industry is leading me along nicely and even letting me borrow her books, which is great.

I am also now a plasma donor, which is great news mostly because it means I have a wonderfully clean bill of health...As far as anything like blood and hormones and proteins and blood related diseases and viruses and stuff. So that is great. My first experience was wonderful. I joked with the attendant that after seeing the epidural needles and going through that, no arm poke - even with a big needle - was going to phase me. The environment was clean and contemporary. I read a book in complete peace and quiet which was an unexpected and much needed surprise. I got paid a very little bit but left it on an account to pick up later as it accrues - it can go toward extra expenses over the next few months of school, etc. I left feeling healthy and positive. It was a surprisingly self-benefiting and rewarding way to make a non-monetary contribution to the world.

I still have not heard from Dell about the evening sales position, which might be a blessing in disguise. They have until Thursday to meet the three week lead time they gave me.

A good friend from Tileworks/Lakeview Management Tory Harding was in town yesterday. We met her for brunch at Michael's favorite, Double Dave's Pizza, after church. It was so nice of her to think of us while she was in town. We had a long lunch, since Stella was with us - baby goo-goo time.

The house is coming along. Since we've moved back in October no one has felt much like unpacking...again. But it is coming together. Ethan and Stella's beds are in the same room to give Ethan one room just to himself for toys, toys, toys. Ethan recently started sleeping on the top bunk of his bed. He can see inside Stella's crib from there, so when she is in the room sleeping, when we can manage to get her and keep her there, he can see her. He seems to relish the big-boy responsibility of watching over her and is very quiet and respectful.

That's the news! Michael has so great and funny pics of the family up. Check it out.